Monday, October 8, 2012

I just finished reading a fantastic book "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin.  It is the most complete history of the FED, and all the central banks that came before the FED, that I have ever read.  It is a must read book if you want to know your enemy, and be able to understand the total control that they have over us.  He goes over the history of banking from the beginning and takes the reader on a journey through time covering the Rothschilds, the Illuminati, Cecil Rhodes, the Fabian Society and the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) to name a few.  He covers a whole host of characters, their secrets and their motives.  It is like reading a mystery novel with all of the plots, twists and turns that became our history.  The monumental fraud that was perpetrated on the American people was absolutely amazing in its magnitude and completeness.  They were truly geniuses to have pulled it off.  The only problem is that we have been paying the price for the past 99 years with our labors and blood.  Mr. Griffin is the only author that I have come across so far that actually lists steps that could possibly be followed to transition the country after the FED has been abolished.  I must recommend reading this book.  It's a real eye opener.  I bought my copy on line from  I've provide a link below.

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