About three years ago I started to watch various documentaries about social justice and environmental issues. I was hooked. I watched one that featured an expert named John Perkins the author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man". I went out and bought the book. I was enthralled by it. It opened my eyes to what was really going on in the world. I later watched "Collapse" by Michael Ruppert, which really scared me and gave me an urgency to find out what was happening in the world and to get prepared for what was coming.
I started reading http://www.zerohedge.com/ multiple times a day along with http://www.collapsenet.com/ . I have begun to teach myself about the financial markets and how money works. I have taken it upon myself to find out how the world really works. I find it amazing that all the things that have taken place just during my life time have gone on unchallenged by my peers. I was asleep just like everyone else and didn't even know it. In the mean time the bankers were robbing all of us blind.
Image Source (Google Images)
The point of this blog's name being the "Last Remaining Hope" concerns itself with the obsession I have developed concerning the financial markets and the chain of events unfolding in the world today. When I talk with friends and family many get upset when I mention some statistics or facts that are currently effecting some facet of the world. They often remark "We can't do anything about it so why worry? Well after some reflection I have to say that I am driven to keep up with everything I can, so that when the time comes and the world collapses, some of us that may survive, will be able to give an actual account of what when wrong and why. It is imperative that people who are fully awake and understand what really happened be left to set things straight. To make sure that the same slave masters that caused this collapse, not be allowed to start the same scheme again.
We are the last remaining hope.
It's time for everyone to wake up! I have assembled various articles and videos that I have found that added to my education. I have presented them here to help the process along. The sooner everyone "gets it" the sooner we can be ready for the coming Collapse. The sooner we will have a idea of what needs to be done to rebuild our world. Only the next time we will do a better job of it.
Image Source (Google Images)
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies." - Thomas Jefferson
(copied from ZeroHedge.com post from "ilene")
Please take the time to review the following videos
ChrisMartenson's Crash Course
Also please review:
"How MONEY & BANKING Really works"
Under the "Banks & Money" Page tab @ the top of this blog